Thursday, May 25, 2006


yes, i am at home now. didnt go to work today due to my never-ending rashes. sulks. this is the 6th doc im visiting!!! this sucks, i think i will never get well. never ever again. so yup, you people better get accustomed to my rotten skin. =(

time practically crawl when you are sitting at home doing nothing, guess im better off doing some work. i am having a headache again. and when i say i really meant a-g-a-i-n. i've starting to realised that im having headaches like almost everyday. something is very wrong.

cant help but feel that this whole week is jinxed, and jinxed it will continue to be. big sulk.

oot abit,

i've been dealing with weird people with weird names. like zening, reawyn.
i mean.. really.. what kind of name are these??? bee said something funny (maybe it doesnt sound funny to you, but it does to mi ok. so i dun care.) :

"what are you lizening (listening) to?"

"how bout smelling my reawyn (rear-wind)??" *poooooot*

im sure something is going on between this 2 people. *scoffs*

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I'm tired. Really tired. Mentally and physically. Quited amazed whenever I look at myself in the mirror, I can only see a panda looking back at mi. =( Man, I need more sleep! But when I sleep just a few hours more than usual, I wake up with an headache. WTF.

Anyway, some things to cheer myself up. =D

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Hee. But why my face like that huh? -.-

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I got confirmed!! Yay!!

*prance around*

My company is looking for part time designers, anybody interested??
-Good with html
-Working on production rather than designing
-min 2 months contract, will keep you if they like you


And I realised I always write stupid entries, no content. =( Mi wanna write interesting entries too! But whenever I come to this page.................. I dunno what to write!! Damnit.

Maybe this is what you call "Trying Too Hard". =(

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mummy's Day

HAPPY MUMMY'S DAY to all! =)

And yeap.. that's me! hehe.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

He is getting Married!

I just found out my ex boyfriend got married!!!! So young can, only 22!!

Omg, I hope its not shot gun. -.-

Come to think of it, it was 7 years ago when we were together. WAIT. Its freaking 7 years ago!!!! I was 14 and now Im going 21!!

21 - 14 = 7??? (Double checks with calculator)

DAMN! It really is!!!!!

*Breathe Irene, Breathe*

Monday, May 01, 2006

Labour Day.

A few more minutes before labour day's over.... Which means.... long weekend is OVER! Damn. Everything seems like they are running at the speed of light, like zom(no time for 'zoom').

I dun wanna go to work~~~~~~~ looking forward to the next long weekend already. hehehe.

And... Yeah.. I'm feeling quite happy now actually. Hee.